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One day this year my dad had mentioned in a phone call a recent story about a woman who died after being shot multiple times by policeman during a “no knock” warrant search. I thought that the story was terrible but I was in school at the time and did not give it a second thought. Then, the story went viral.
The woman in the story was Breonna Taylor, a medical worker, who had been asleep with her boyfriend at the time of this police invasion. It was revealed later that Breonna had been shot 8 times by three men in her apartment in Louisville, Kentucky. At the time, the raid was technically lawful: law enforcement officers were allowed to enter buildings without any notification to anyone inside that the people at the door were indeed official and they could do so in plain clothes. The point is that a police officer wearing a Cubs Jersey and Crocs could literally sneak into your home quietly, gun in hand. Since then, this crude practice has been banned, even though it was previously considered nationally unlawful to begin with.