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A Guy’s Guide to Growing Your Hair Out
TLDR: Just don’t cut it
I started my hair growth journey a little over a year ago. Prior to that, I got a fresh cut every three-ish weeks: “Could I get a one on the sides and back and just a half inch off the top.” At the point of writing this, my hair has grown about 6 or 7 inches and I can put it up into a bun.
So how did I do it? How did I resist a new, great feeling haircut? What did I do to get through the “awkward stage”? Here’s the deal:
(also quick disclaimer, I am a white dude with thick, wavy hair, so obviously these are not the best tips for all hair types but hopefully some might work, especially the last one!)
The Right Haircut to Start
Starting your journey at the correct lengths on the top, sides, and back of the head is crucial in my opinion. For a couple of reasons, I recommend getting a cut that is longer on top by a least a couple of inches.
For one, if the hair of the top of your hair is longest it will just appear like all of your hair is of a longer length, especially if you can do a slick-back hair style. You could definitely…